Resource for teachers to model, or pupils to practise, the formation of the various letters with their lead-in strokes by ‘tracing over’ the grey letter shapes. Use this resource in its current A4 size or photocopy to enlarge to A3 for teachers to model to groups or whole classes.

This and the following resources illustrate the alphabet letters in upper and lower case can be used for display or provided for individual pupils to use in school and at home. For classroom display, consider enlarging to A3 by photocopying.

The Alphabet Letters in grey enable teachers to model the starting points of letter formation and directionality. Use in the current A4 size or photocopy to enlarge to A3. Pupils can practise letter formation on their own A4 copies – or they can copy the letter formation on lined paper or in lined exercise books.

This and the following resources with hollow letter shapes – both upper and lower case – can be used in their current A4 size for teachers to model starting points and directionality. Pupils can also use this A4 resource to practise their letter formation in school and at home. The resources can be used for display and will be particularly useful in school if enlarged by photocopying to A3.

When pupils are ready to learn fully joined handwriting, they may still need to revise their upper case (capital) letter formation. This resource can be used for teachers to model starting points and directionality, enlarged by photocopying to A3 if preferred, and pupils can use the A4 resource to practise with.