You can teach handwriting in days – not years!
Trust us – it’s not difficult and whilst Debbie does offer handwriting training, she will usually try to persuade you to have a go yourselves. Watch the video and follow her advice. Buy the downloadable pupil handwriting books and access the other free resources – that’s really all you need and for a minimum outlay! If, on the other hand, you want to investigate handwriting INSET and get Debbie into your school, you will find full details on her training website – click the button below for more information.
HANDWRITING TRAININGBuy our Pupil Handwriting Books
Non-essential if you’ve watched the videos above, but very useful and very inexpensive!
Click on the ‘Resources to Buy’ button on the top menu bar (or the button below) where you’ll find more details of our Pupil Handwriting Books and the other free downloads that come with them – you can even ‘look-before-you-buy’ by downloading our ‘watermarked’ versions from the same page.
Resources to Buy

Research, evidence and anecdotes…
For those who may like to delve a little deeper into the subject of handwriting, please do visit our message forum. The link below will take you directly to a mass of postings, evidence and anecdotes from teachers, parents and tutors around the world.
Message Forum – Topic: Handwriting
Reflection on Teaching Handwriting
There is a trend, or fad, whereby children as young as four and five years old are being taught single letters with an attached ‘lead-in’ join as their first form of ‘print’. This is very worrying and not fit-for-purpose. Debbie leads the discussion in this recorded webinar – and goes on to suggest how best to teach handwriting including fully joined handwriting at a later stage.
People do say nice things!
Here are just a few of the many comments we have received from schools who have either used our resources or had Debbie’s handwriting training.